peak transmission rate

英 [piːk trænzˈmɪʃn reɪt] 美 [piːk trænzˈmɪʃn reɪt]

网络  尖峰传输率; 峰值传输速率



  1. PCI has interface peak transmission rate is 132 M bytes/ s. Optical signal transmission rate can be more than 1 Gbps.
  2. In this paper, an optical network interface card with PCI bus peak bandwidth transmission rate has been designed and implemented.
  3. Found that the thickness of the transmission defect mode peak has a clear regulatory role, the transmission peak will increase as the thickness increases. Then the peak transmission rate will immediately reduce with the thickness gradually increasing.
  4. Computational complexity, the peak to average power ratio ( PAPR), transmission bandwidth and bit error rate ( BER) of the system are studied.